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Abnormal Menstrual Cycle & Uterine Bleeding
Obstetrics and GynaecologyReproductive Medicine
Menstrual cycle and abnormal bleeding refer to variations in the length, flow, or duration of the menstrual cycle outside the normal range. Irregular menstrual cycles may include intervals between periods that are too long or too short, excessively heavy or light periods, and intermittent bleeding between periods. Abnormal uterine bleeding may involve bleeding outside of the menstrual period.
Obstetrics and GynaecologyReproductive Medicine
Adenomyosis is a condition that affects the uterus in women. It occurs when the tissue from the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) breaks through the uterine wall and develops into new endometrial tissue within the uterine muscle layer. This growth can cause the uterine tissue to enlarge and thicken, leading to various symptoms.
Breast Disorders
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Breast Disorders refer to a series of conditions that may affect breast health. When women notice unusual conditions in their breasts, they often assume they have breast cancer. In reality, most breast diseases are benign, and it is best to seek medical follow-up to determine whether the condition is benign or malignant.
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